Friday, December 26, 2008

In Short....Thanks!

Remembering 2008... through the year we have had several very faithful fellows who have continued to keep the grass mowed. These guys are: Kelly Deputy, Darrell Mirus, Richard Mirus, and Fred Peters. If I have missed anyone, we thank you too.

Jim Parker was the one who put up two rows of much needed coat hooks. Thanks Jim for a job well done.

The coffee sipping fellows need to be commended on their efforts in cleaning our overhead light panels and replacing burnt out bulbs. Thanks fellows. Thanks to the person(s) who leveled the pile of gravel compound(?) left from the walking trails.

Since the last newsletter two Welcome Baskets have been delivered to Joshua and Melanie Parker, Rock Creek Road, and William and Tina Dollard on Eureka.


Support our local Volunteer Fire Department

Dianne Henson and Dianne Parker needs to be commended on the beautiful job they did in decorating for our EHC meeting. The great part of that was that they left so much of it for us to enjoy for our Christmas Program. We can’t forget Linda Wilkinson, Beverly Patterson, and Shirley Donnahue for the great job in collecting and packaging all the goodies for our Christmas bags.

Several new activities and chairpersons have been added to this year’s calendar. Please take time to mark these events on your personal activity calendar and plan to participate. You are sure to have fun at these events. It is always a joy to see new people being added to a group because of the expertise they will add plus all the new ideas that will be added.

Our Volunteer of the Year again offered his services when we needed more welcome baskets. Thanks Wesley.

Thanks--There is always one who answers the call when there is a need. This time it was jelly jars. Ina Daley had seen some at a church function. When she knew we needed some, she came to the rescue. If you buy Smucker’s jams and jellies, you have the perfect jar to save for us. So if you have some or will start saving them, please let me know. Call Jeanette Gibbs, 997-1582.

There seems to always be a need for supplies when a facility is used. The community building is no exception. It seems the treasury of all of our groups are being watched so as not to overspend. So we are asking each person receiving the newsletter to help us if at all possible. There is a need for paper or foam plates, dessert plates, 9 or 12 ounce plastic red or blue cups, napkins, lots of paper towels, a bottle of dish soap, bleach, windex, and toilet paper. If you can help us, please bring or send your donations to the community building. Any amount at any time will be greatly appreciated. We will thank you in advance.

This has truly been a great year of cooperation from both our old and new members and friends. Have a wonderful 2009.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mulberry Community Theater

Mulberry Community Theater will present their fall play on December 12 and 13th at 8:00 pm and December 14th at 2:00 pm. Call Envisions at 997-2441 or City Hall at 997-1321 for reservations which is recommended.

This presentation will be unique because 3 members of our local EHC right here in Turner will have an important role. Want to know the stars? Sorry, just plan to support these fine ladies by attending.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Here Comes Christmas

Don't Look Now, But Here Comes Christmas!--Can you believe that the year is almost gone and it won’t be long until that wonderful time of year we call Christmas! It seemed like just yesterday I wrote to thank you all for the great participation in our annual pie auction. And now it’s time to remind you of the community effort this requires to keep this tradition going. Our pie auction will be Saturday evening November 15th at 6:30 PM.

Please write this on your calendars and make plans for you and your family to attend. As always, we need pies and cakes donated, and we also need people to attend the auction and purchase all those goodies. Along with the pie auction we’ll have the traditional cake walk, ugly man contest, and prettiest girl contest, and we’re working on a new activity if we get all the items needed beforehand. We’ll have some door prizes for those in attendance; you might just be a lucky winner. Afterwards, the fellowship and desserts are nothing but finger-lickin-good! Whew, I can almost taste Shirley’s pecan pie…and just thinking about Sondra’s carrot cake makes my mouth water. And wash that down with Jeanette’s Christmas punch, don’t get no better than that!

Last year we collected almost $750.00 and that enabled us to prepare 150 goodie sacks for our Christmas Gathering! Good work Turner Community supporters!

The program and distribution will be Saturday December 20th at 6:30 PM. I’m sure Luann and the 4-H kids will have a great treat for us, and maybe Santa will make another personal appearance.

Mark these days on your calendar, hope to see you all there. We are truly blessed to have a very concerned and hard working board, but this event is about you, about tradition, about a season to enjoy each other and our ability to share with the community.

Thank You. Linda Wilkinson

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Welcome New Neighbors

New families moving into our community have been greeted with a welcome basket and a copy of the latest newsletter. These new neighbors are: Alan and Terri Jeffcoat on Friendly Lane, Bobby Q Pixley, Sherman Creek/Restful Drive, RC Butler of Restful Lane. Greet these folks and make a new friend.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

From the Chairman’s Desk

Well, the holidays are now upon us and as we all get ready for the new year coming up, you know... saying bye to 2008 and Hello 2009. I have something to say.

Folks, I wish to say to each and everyone it has been an honor and privilege to serve our neighbors in Turner Community. The new chairman is Fred Peters, so help him as y’all have helped and volunteered with me.

Signing off... y’all friend,
Richard Mirus

Men’s Coffee Hour

Sometimes I would like to be a little mouse and be able to sit in on one of the men’s Monday morning coffee hours. If they have as much fun and can tell such tall tales as are told on game night, they must have a ball. They also get some work done to the community building. Look around the next time you visit the building and see what has been done. For more info call Jim Parker at 997-1228 or Fred Peters at 997-1952.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Homemade Goodies

We have had 3 sweet ladies who have stepped up, rolled up their sleeves, donned their aprons, turned up the heat and produced jams, jellies, preserves and breads for our Welcome Baskets. These ladies are Shirley Donnahue, Reba Peters, and Diane Parker. Thanks to these ladies we now have a variety of sweets for the baskets. Again, if you have any jelly jars or any small self-sealing jars, I would be interested as I am almost out. Call Jeanette Gibbs at 997-1582.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rocky Top 4-H Club News

The Rocky Top 4-H Club held their Community Halloween Party on Oct. 31st. We had about 20 all together including parents. Which was o.k. considering it was right after school and a football game night. But next year be prepared for a real good fun time. The planning for it is already on the go and it promises to be a good time. So don't forget about us next year. It will be held the Saturday before Halloween and during the day like it was before. But Thank You to everyone who came and helped and provided candy.

Our next meeting will be Nov. 9th with our new Officers being sworn in and Nicki Taul will be conducting a Record Book Journal. For info on a club near you call 479-474-5286 and ask for Nicki Taul-4-H Agent, or call me at 217-0280.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well we survived another successful year at the Crawford County Fair. We had 16 members make the Junior Livestock Sale. They were Alexander Balandran, Seren & Will Deputy, Cody Wise, Miranda Creel & Samantha Riggs from our Community. We had Dillon & Dalton Hall, Lindsey & Madison Shepherd, Allison Harrison, Kenzie Watson, Rylli Hammond, Lillian & Madelyn & Annie Claire Beasley.
Lillian Beasley & Seren Deputy competed in the Junior Miss Crawford County Fair Pageant and Annie Claire Beasley competed in the Princess Pageant at the Crawford County Fair with Annie Beasley being the first runner up.

Eleven members compete in the 4-H Poultry Chain. They were Annie, Madelyn & Lillian Beasley, Will Deputy, Rose Rippee, Dalton & Dillon Hall, Rylli Hammond & Alexander Balandran and Kenzie Watson with the Champion Pen.

Lillian, Madelyn & Annie Beasley competed also with Market Lambs.

Competing with Market Goats were: Allison Harrison, Rylli Hammond, Cody Wise with the Reserve Champion and Dalton Hall with the Grand Champion. Madison & Lindsey Shepherd, Seren Deputy and Alexander Balandran, Dillon Hall.

In the Breeding Meat Goats class we had Alexander Balandran, Cody Wise, Seren & Will Deputy. They all had some Reserve & Champions.

Shylo & Triston Hamby competed with their rabbits.

Cody Wise & Bri Ellen Millsap competed at the Horse show right before the Fair. Cody Wise also competed at the 2008 Mulberry Mule Days.

We had 4-H members compete in Photography and crafts, Jr. foods, Jr. Canning, Horticulture.

Our club had a 4-H Float promoting Arkansas 4-H Centennial. We had a Club Educational Booth and won first place with it.

At the AR/Okla State Fair we had Rylli Hammond, Cody Wise, Alexander Balandran & Lillian Beasley compete with their 4-H Poultry Chain. Lillian Beasley competed in the Market Lamb class & Dalton Hall competed with his Market Hog and received "Super Showmanship". Lillian, Madelyn & Annie Claire Beasley also competed with their other Poultry and won several Reserve Championship-all 3 of them!

We had Dalton Hall go on to the Arkansas State Fair in Little Rock and placed very high with his Market Goat and also placed 4th place in his age group out of 17 in the Showmanship class.

At our last meeting new Officers were elected for the 2008-2009 year, they are: President-Lillian Beasley; V-President Alexander Balandran; Recreational Leader- Dalton Hall; Samantha Riggs as Secretary, Cody Wise as Reporter; Madelyn Beasley as our Photographer and Miranda Creel as our Treasurer.

We will be very busy the next few months. We are having our Annual Halloween Community Party. We will be shopping for toys to take to Children's Hospital, planning our Club Christmas Party, and preparing our Record Book Journals that are due in January. We will have a very active & busy 2009.

We are having our 4-H Club Achievement Banquet. We reward the kids for all their hard work with some getting certain rewards. We would like to have as many of you come and sit in and help us celebrate their hard work and speak to the kids.

October is also our 4-H Promotional month. Members have worn their club t-shirts and given a talk to their classes at School. The club’s Educational Booth is traveling to different businesses all month. We have handed out bookmarks, pamphlets and spreading the word!!

We thank all of you for your support during the year and we do appreciate it. For any info on joining 4-H call me- Luann Wise @ 217-0280 or the Crawford County Extension Office and ask for Nicki Taul @ 470-474-5286. Rocky Top 4-H Club

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quilters host Friday Night Pajama Party

With the persistence of our oldest quilter, Hazel Holt, we followed through with one of our conversations while quilting on every Wednesday! On Friday, October 24th, the Turner Community Quilting Club ladies pieced together an evening of fun and fellowship with quilting, baking and a thimble of work! All had such a great time we are thinking about having one in the summer of 2009! Most of the ladies are seasoned quilters with one raw edge in the block-Charlotte. This was only her third time to quilt! In all there were ten ladies framing out the evening ranging in age 48-almost 88: Hazel Holt, Doris Riggs, Willie Ruth Jones, Ina Daily, Loretta Holt, Mildred Sims, Jeanette Gibbs, Marilyn Marshall, Arlene Riggs, and Charlotte Holt. Unfortunately, Doris and Arlene Riggs and Willie Ruth Jones were unable to spend the night.

They said it couldn’t be done! (some scoffers) But it was!! Your just stitchin’ in the ditch if you think these ladies don’t have what it takes to stay up most of the night and sleep in a bed roll on the cold floor of the community building. Friday night at about 7:30 pm, the ladies ate supper together, some ate Hazel’s homemade chicken noodle soup while others ate what they brought and some ate before they came. Jeanette brought an interesting dish-bacon wrapped jalapeno’s stuffed with cream cheese (without the seeds) hoppin’ hot and yummy!

Our Loretta turned 71 and we helped her celebrate it with a strawberry cake made by Mildred and presents too! Loretta brought fixins to make her famous cinnamon rolls and some that wasn’t staying overnight asked if Loretta could bake them so they could enjoy the rolls before returning home--sooooo being the good egg she is, Loretta baked the rolls that night! When the cake had been cut and presents opened and the cinnamon rolls sampled, we went back to quilting, and all the while we noticed the heating unit didn’t seem to be doing any good, our noses were getting colder by the minute. By now it was 11 pm. We were bound and determined to stay. Hazel suggested to Marilyn to go to her house and get the space heater she had and Willie Ruth said she had one also. After Marilyn fetched the heaters and got them going it seemed to take the chill out of the room. Another pot of coffee brewed, sewing needles threaded and flying in and out of the quilts being worked on the ladies were diligently trying to finish one before going to sleep! And they did!! Another quilt framed and ready to start on, it had been a productive evening. Making our beds and getting in them was no small feet. As a matter of fact, some one of us even faced de-feet bent over trying to get into bed!! Some crazy noises were being made by most all the ladies during the night, I think it is called snoring or something like that!ha!

On Saturday morning, we woke up with sunlight streaming in the windows. We had smiles on our faces-yes, we did it, we had made it through, now if we could just get up? How? Roll over and crawl to a chair and push up or sit up and yell “I need the bathroom now, help pull me up” ha! After all the RFD is just next door!! Breakfast was great: biscuits, gravy, bacon, eggs, hash browns, juice and coffee, and more cinnamon rolls. The best part for me was when we held hands in a circle in the kitchen and prayed, thanking God for friends and family, celebrating another birthday, good food, and fellowship. These quilters love their hobby and when it becomes a job, it wouldn’t be fun anymore. An elderly woman once told her teenage granddaughter-pick a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.

CONGRATULATIONS LADIES YOU DID IT! You went where none of you had been in a real long stitch of a time and slept overnight in your jammies on a bed-roll.

Remember: A day hemmed in prayer never unravels!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bringin' the Fixin's

Several ladies have stated they would like to be involved in furnishing a dish when we have an event at the community building if they knew what to bring. The November Pie Supper and Christmas Program are about the only times we don’t have to have volunteers for food. Except pies for the Pie Supper and/or decorated cookies or candy for the Christmas Program. This year the EHC has volunteered to help with refreshments so we should be in for a real treat since the theme is “An Old Fashioned Christmas”, hopefully with some of the toys and games you found under the tree when you were young. We certainly invite you to the program which Luann and the 4-H kids do so well each year, then stay for the refreshments. We may even have a visit from our favorite friend at Christmas--Santa Claus himself.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whitley Township

This is the township wherein Turner community is located. The township was established between 1880 and 1890. It consists of a land area of 27 square miles and a population of 1109. Churches in Whitley Township are Revis Hill Assembly of God and Ozark Chapel. The reservoir is Donnahue Lake with creeks being those of Rock Creek, Sherman Creeks and the Little Mulberry Creek. People have been voting at the Graphic Community Building for years but the new polling place is at the Sheriff's Youth Ranch 2.5 miles southeast of the Graphic Store.


Thanks to Travis Steel and Don Wilkinson. We now have plenty of boards for our signs for posting Turner events. If you would like to take on the sign job, just let us know. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks once again to Darrell Mirus for a beautiful lawn-mowing job. The grounds looked fantastic.

Saturday, September 20, 2008



when no shoes for the summer time.
when walking to town 5 miles to see a picture show.
when playing thumbs up at parties.
when Annie Over was a game.
when ice cream was made with fresh milk and raw eggs.
when kids tried to suck eggs.
when persimmon sticks sharpened and persimmons were a weapon.
losing hide from above sport.
to get around was 2 legs, horse or a friend's jalopy.
when we knew everyone in the community and the names of their dogs.
when cap guns and dolls and clothes were Christmas.
coming to Turner Community for the pie supper and then the Christmas tree.
riding on Idus Watkins and Roland Pettengill buses.
eating wild cherries and mulberries.
how much fun we had growing up.
all the friends you have.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Rock Around the Clock at Turner Community Building

About 6:00 pm on September 6, 2008, Lawrence and Richard Mirus pulled up their pick-ups out by the old see-saw racks behind the Turner School Building. One truck was pulling a barbeque smoker mounted on a trailer chassis and the other pick-up was loaded down with firewood and meats. The springs were groaning! Fire preparation in the smoker began quickly. Soon the oak and hickory wood fire was at about the right heat, and the guys began to lay the beef briskets on the pit to begin smoking.

If you know anything about brisket, you know that it can be the toughest and stringiest meat ever, if it is not cooked low and slow. Since this is the afternoon before the Turner Community Development Annual Barbeque Fundraiser, these guys just have one chance to get it right. They had determined that they were going to use a low wood fire for 24 hours to produce the flavor and tenderness they wanted. About 7:00 pm, other guys started to show up to check on the progress. About 8:00 there was a whole group assembled. Pete Watkins, Odell Brooks, Jim Parker, Don Wilkerson, Herschel Jones,. Chris Boerjan, Fred Peters and Glen Brandenburg all took their turns swapping stories and telling tales.
The tales got pretty entertaining. It seems that one time a Turner School kid got his britches taken off and thrown up into a tree where he couldn’t get them. The Principal was less than pleased! I wonder how that came out?

One by one the yarn tellers left to go home. Soon everyone had gone, except for Richard, Lawrence and Fred. Those guys stayed up all that cold night, talking and dozing and watching the fire under the meat. By 6:30 am the next morning, Lawrence began to cook breakfast. Rumor has it that they cooked and ate 4 pounds of bacon, a big black skillet full of scrambled eggs, and the better part of a large loaf of bread. It was told that Don Wilkinson ate smoked bologna until it nearly came out his ears.

By noon, samples were ready for the Turner School Alumni who poked their heads out back to see what was going on. At 1:00 pm about thirty school alumni dropped in to visit and enjoy being with their school mates of long ago. By 2:00 pm, the ladies of the community began to show up to organize the kitchen and food service for the barbeque. Pies, potato salad, deviled eggs, cakes and salads were only a small part of the delicious foods that were brought in to compliment the barbeque

About 100 people attended the barbeque which started at 4:00 pm. The barbeque was tender enough to cut with a fork, and had a glorious smoked flavor. By the time everyone had piled up their plates, board Chairman Mirus introduced Virgil Payne, a local candidate for JP, and Jason Watkins, a candidate for the Mountainburg School Board. Each gave a brief political speech, and asked for our votes.

Two plaques for Volunteer of the Year were presented to Jeanette Gibbs and Wesley Riggs. Turner Community owes them each a real debt of appreciation for the numerous hours of volunteer service they devote to us.

By 6:00 pm everyone had eaten all they could, were visiting with friends and having a good time. Just another 24 hours around the clock day of good fun and good friends!
Hey, just heard about the road crew starting to work on paving Mirus Hill. Too bad Jim didn't live to see the day. He would have organized a parade!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Rocky-Top 4-H News

In 4-H news, Lillian Beasley won the coveted Spirit award in each of the two summer camps she attended. Each camp had over 200 kids in attendance. Congratulations Lillian!

Cody Wise attended a 3-day camp in Fayetteville placing 3 times in the top 10. He also made a trip to Washington, DC. Congratulations Cody!

Miranda Creel also attended the same camp. She has volunteered at the Senior Inn during summer vacation. Thanks for your service, Miranda!

All the 4-H kids are gearing up for the County Fair that starts September 8th by getting their animals groomed and ready to show, gather canned items and finishing craft projects. You can do the same and make some money at the same time. Be sure to attend at least once and see what the Fair has to offer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

From the Chairman's Desk

Summer 2008

Well, we have survived the few hot days and we have been blessed with some good rains. The community keeps asking when the road will be paved and I along with all of y'all are "Waiting." I am hoping for 2008 and it will be done. Yes, I remember 2007, it was also promised and never happened. So, folks...we will wait and see what happens next.

If anyone seen a car on fire at the community fir station, just don't fret your mind none. You see, all of Fire District 3 was at the station and they were practicing for a possible car fire. These volunteer firefighters go thru the exercise so they will be trained. You know, in case you have a car fire or a house fire these guys and gals know what to do. We also have some trained First Responders at our fire station. Our hats are off to District 3 Firefighters and especially our fire fighters at our Turner Fire Station. I'll say thanks to you folks from all the people in this area.

The 2nd Friday of each month at 6:30 PM we now have our monthly board meeting and it is also family fun night. Playing train and eating and oh, some of the stories told, neighbors it is fun.

The expansions of Locke/Fern, Dollard Rd Water Users are ongoing for Revis Hill Road, Revis Hill Cutoff, pope Cemetery Road, Friendly Lane and Locust Mountain. People living on these roads will be notified shortly about right-of-ways.

Two more families are now living in the area, just makes it bigger and better.

It is Barbeque and Homecoming here at Turner. It is a time to come and relax and enjoy your neighbor's company and eat some fingers lickin good food prepared by the folds of Turner. The time of this September 6tthis starting at noon for visiting and for eating is at 4:00 PM. Folks, don't just come and eat and run, stay awhile and just visit. If the young at heart can stand it, me and brother will be cooking the meat all the night September 5th. Coffee will be ready and if you spend the night with us, breakfast will be served.

Has anyone seen so many dragon flies this year? They are just thick, wonder what sign that is? If y'all know, kindly inform this old hillbilly.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thank You!

Sometimes people forget the true meaning of living in a close knit community. The last few weeks we have been reminded. I love living in the Turner Community. I guess I have probably lived in the community since about 1970 or 1971 when we finally moved back here for good after daddy got out of the Army. Goes to show I am not a young spring chicken any longer.

As most of yawl know or have heard we bought my mom & dad's place and tore down the old house and have been building a new house. We came to a time when we needed some help with putting up our trusses and we had several people tell us when we need help call them. We made a couple of calls one Friday and Saturday morning we had a lot of help show up.

We want to express our deeply heartfelt Thank You to Wayne Anstine, my brother Bruce, Kelly & Will Deputy, Wesley, Eugene, Aaron and Amiel Riggs, Jay Dollard, Augie Balandran, and Lynn Cox, and John & Diane Creel. Thank You to Arlene and Doris for providing us Deviled eggs for our lunch.

Since then we have had great help from Aaron , Eugene and Wesley and Arlene and Jay Dollard several times with getting our roof put on which was not an easy job with it being so steep. We finished up the roof this past Sunday with Eugene & Wesley and Arlene's help, Doris came up with them and we got to visit some before they put me busy. But through all of the hard work we couldn't have done it without our son Cody helping us, he did the work of a man!

We are so thankful for living in the Turner Community with such good neighbors and friends.

Roger, Luann and Cody Wise.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Angel Food Ministries

Angel Food is now available at Ozark View Chapel in a quantity that can fit into a medium-sized box at $30 per unit. Each month's menu is different than the previous month and consists of both fresh and frozen items with an average retail value of approximately $50

Also offered are specialty boxes such as steaks, chicken and pork. Angel Food Ministries, like most all other retail grocery stores, also participates in the U.S. Food Stamp program, using the Off-Line Food Stamp Voucher system.

For more information, you may go online to or contact Pallie Sue Ezell at 997-1647 or Kathi Brown at 632-9624

Friday, August 1, 2008


A man being raised down by Rock Creek was thinking back about what he could remember growing up. Some of his memories was Mag and Roe Escue, grandparents, sure did like them. Eartha Morse's sorghum cookies as a favorite food item and she took care to see I had some of these cookies.

I went to school at Mulberry and Mountainburg and had 4 brothers and 3 sisters.

Going to the cotton patch was a job and as a young boy along with his brothers worked hard and at night my momma would soak our hands in alcohol, so we would be able to hit the field the next morning. When I was 12 years old I went to work for Wilson Brewer working at his sawmill.

At the age of 17 I went to work at the canner. Retired at some 35 years, some time skipped by retied as a night shift manager. Purty good for an ole Turner boy. Huh?

I'm having some heart problems and the thing I miss doing the most is coon hunting. Oh, to hear the dogs treed and your heart races as you hurry to the tree and try to get the old coon out of the tree and see if the coon can whip the dogs and walk away. Fun! Fun! Fun!

The most scariest time in my life was grand-daughter was ran over by a 3/4 ton pickup. Granddaughter was taken to Children's and come out just fine. Someone was watching out for her I know.

I guess my most embarrassing time was as a youngster, people talked about how good the home brew at Olen Brooks' was, so I was determined to get me some out of the shop and sure nuff I got caught.

I can say one thing about me living here in our area. I enjoy the simple life, like sittin' on the front porch with my good friend Archie Reynolds and watch the world go by.

I am Laymon Parker.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pope Cemetery Fish Fry

The annual Pope Cemetery fish fry, held on May 10 at the Turner Community Building was a great success. Even the bad weather could not put a damper on attendance. What a turn out! Approximately 100 people were served.

Hazel Holt was the organizer of getting the ladies to bring all the fine fixings and drinks. Richard Mirus was the organizer of getting the guys to help with cooking the fish, chicken and hush puppies! Give them a hand for they did an exceptional job!

The community made approximately $1200.00. After paying out all expenses, profit was approximately $654.00.

Feedback from people attending was very positive. Having it held in a building with clean restrooms and air condition was a big plus!

The beautiful quilt donated by Hazel Holt and hand quilted by the Turner Quilting Guild was won by Max and Elizabeth Fryar, Mulberry, AR.

We want to thank everyone who participated in helping out and those in attendance.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

From the Chairman’s Desk

Well again a lot of things have been going on in our community. You folks remembered our neighbor Jim Young. Jim and I were trying to get rural water for this community. He spent a lot of time and money on this endeavor and finally got our water.

Saying that to say this, Thanks Jim for all your help. Jim passed away and a memorial service was held at the community building. From all of Jim’s friends we say, we’ll miss you.

Neighbors listen up, coming May 10, 2008 serving time 4:30 PM is the Pope Cemetery Fish Fry. Note: The Fish Fry will be held at Turner Community Building. If you want to sit under the shade trees and watch the cooking process and hear some tall tales just bring your lawn chairs and sit a spell, but if you want to stay cool come inside and sit a while in there.

Remember this is a Pope Cemetery fund raiser. I figure some politicians and wannabe’s will be at the fish fry, so come and hear what some of them have to say and you can question them if you want.

We have had a lot of rain, and I guess you call it a flood or floods. We may gripe about all this water but come July we’ll all be saying, “Sure wish it would rain.”

I visited with our County Judge Mr. John Hall down at Rock Creek on the County Line Rd, which County Line Rd is now the detour due to the engineers have closed the bridge on the pavement on Rock Creek Rd. The judge said the pavement project for our area is still an ongoing project. I still need a few people to sign easement papers.

Remember to try and come to the Community Building on the 2nd Friday of each month at 6:30 PM for family fun night. We eat and play games, Mexican Dominos and others. We also tell stories and let me tell you some are just a hoot.

I’m being nudged, so bye.

Monday, May 12, 2008


The TLC ladies have been busy. For our March meeting our Hostess were Janette Gibbs and Shirley Donahue. They gave a demonstration on acupuncture and a program on "Enjoying Arkansas Strawberries". They served us Strawberry smoothie and Strawberry short cake-both which were fantastic tasting. They had it beautifully decorated and we played a Trivia game on Facts about strawberries and Mrs. Gibb did a garden bingo.

Our April meeting was hosted by Diana Henson and once again she did a beautiful job of decorating. We had another EHC Club the "River Bells" join us. We all participated in a tea cup exchange. Our program was done by Joyce Whittington and Diana Henson. The program was "Color Me Beautiful".

Several of our ladies have been busy making baby bonnets. We are also collecting plastic bags and the box top for the Mountainburg School. We are also collecting coupons -(they can even be expired up to six months) we are sending these overseas for our Military families use.

We would like to invite anyone to come and visit us at our next meeting. It will be May 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the Turner Community. If any questions please call Dawn Beaver @ 997-2262.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Remembering our Friend, Jim Young

A Remembering Service was held March at the Community Building for Jim Young. Approximately 80 people attended the service.

Katie and family provided the fish and all the trimmings which was delicious. Ladies of the community brought side dishes and drinks along with a good array of delicious desserts.

Jim was very involved in this community and found this area to be the "joy of his life." He was instrumental in forming the Turner Community Development Board of which he was a member until after he moved to Bella Vista. He helped in many ways to get the water system up and running as well as wrote grants for the kitchen project and the water system.

Even after moving to Bella Vista, he would drive here to attend the Board meetings as well as attending most of the community functions along with Katie.

Jim will be missed by persons from all walks of life.

Thanks, Jim.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


This year we had a change in one of our activities. For several years now’ our faithful workers have stated it was just too hot to work in the Bargains Galore on 64. It was decided that this year, (2007), we would not participate but would try having a yard sale in cooperation with the Fun on 71 yard sale.

Not too many people came by and purchased items from us but we collected a little over $100. It was a lot of work for four people but they were willing to help out. Then they had to hurry home, collect their auction items and then rush to the Community Building to get those items numbered and ready for the auction.

It would be nice to see new faces at these events since they are community activities and the only means of collecting monies for the upkeep of the Community Building.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Calling all Firemen!

The Firemen Appreciation night will be forthcoming. Firemen, keep looking so you don't miss a good meal in honor of you guys and gals who serve us in a volunteer position is our local fire department.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chili Supper

The February Chili Supper was a big success as usual. There were plenty of Chili pots with all the usual trimmings, potato salad, and other good things that goes with chili. The usual good desserts were present along with lots of drinks.

If you missed this event, remember us next February. Come and meet new and old friends and neighbors. We may even have a surprise or two.

Friday, February 29, 2008


Members of the Rocky Top 4-H Club have been busy. Most everybody has turned in their record books and have been Judged. We have several members who have joined a Livestock Judging Team started by Nickie Taul, our 4-H Agent. They have been to two Judging Competitions. The last one was in Fayetteville at the Washington County Fair grounds. Our club won first in the 4-H teams. The members from our club are Miranda Creel, Cody Wise and Lillian Beasley and Dalton Hall.

At our April meeting we had Jay Schneider from Lake Fort Smith State Park come and he presented us with a slide show of the new park. They have several programs going on and tours available. So if you get a chance go to the new park and enjoy yourself. Its suppose to be up and going for Memorial weekend.

We had several members participate in our County O'Rama. Members participating were: Cody Wise, Annie and Maddie and Lillian Beasley, Dillon and Dalton Hall, Miranda Creel and Samantha Riggs, Rylli Hammond. They competed in bb-gun, bicycle, seed I.D., Livestock skills, bait casting. public speaking, modeling, fashion revue and vocal.

For info on joining 4-H call Luann Wise @ 479-217-0280 or Nickie Taul @ the Crawford County Extension Office @ 479-474-5286

Monday, February 4, 2008

Info, please…

…In the past, some of you said you would like to have an Old Fashioned Christmas, like you remember when you were young. Now it’s your turn to write to us and let us know your ideas. Please tell us about the tree decorations, kind of food, you remember, maybe the toys or gifts you would receive. Just any ideas would certainly be appreciated.

Also, if you have an idea for a community activity, please give us your ideas as well as idea for fund raisers.

Write to:
Turner Community Development Board
P.O. Box 362
Mountainburg, 72946

or e-mail
Richard Mirus at
Beverly Patterson at

Seeing White

I am sure you noticed that some of the woodwork inside the building has been painted. Jim and Dianne Parker, Beverly Patterson, Dale Watkins, Richard Mirus, Wesley Riggs, and Jeanette Gibbs volunteered paint.

Later painted trim was installed by Max Donahue and Travis Steels.

Thanks to all for your involvement.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Rocky Top 4-H Club has had a busy past year and we are up and running with a busy 2008. This year is a special time for 4-H. This year we are celebrating something special. It is the Arkansas 4-H Centennial 1908-2008 "Honoring the Past - Celebrating the Future". So we will be out all year promoting 4-H. And we are still looking for anyone who was a 4-H member or was a 4-H Volunteer Leader to please contact me. So far I have just had Jeanette Gibbs call me. We would love to have you come as a guest speaker to one of our 4-H meetings and share some of your experiences with us that you had in 4-H. My phone number is 217-0280.

Our Beginner and Intermediate and Advanced 4-H Members have turned in their 4-H Record Journals for the past year. Members who has turned in a Record Book Journal were: Madison Shepherd, Dalton Hall, Cody Wise, Jerrie & Jeannie Bryant, Miranda Creel, Will & Seren Deputy and Lillian Beasley and Bri-Ellen Millsap. Members who won in the County level with their Record Book Journals were: Lillian Beasley, Will & Seren Deputy, Jerrie & Jennie Bryant, Cody Wise and Dalton Hall. These are going on for District and possibly State Competition. These Record Book Journals are very important for these kids. They are eligible to possibly win a Scholarship and these Journals are great for them to use as Resume's as they get older.

Our Cloverbuds are working on their Record Book Journals and are turning them in February to be judged.

At our last meeting the kids participated in fun activities that helped them learn the importance of working together as a team by doing some "Team Skills".

We have several of our kids who have been practicing Animal Judging and Livestock Skills and will be going to Fayettville Jan. 26th to the Pauline Whitaker Arena to compete up there. Members going are Seren & Will Deputy, Cody Wise, Jennie & Jerrie Bryant and Beth Rippee. Will get back with you and let you know how they did and who our Cloverbuds are that turned in Record Book Journals.

If interested in joining 4-H call me or the Crawford County Extension Office at 479-474-5286

TLC Club News

The TLC held their meeting on Jan. 14th. Dawn Beaver was the Hostess and did a beautiful job of decorations and refreshments.

At the January meeting the members were asked to participate if they wanted to bring/wear a decorated hat. We had some beautiful hats there. Everybody did a wonderful job and it was a lot of fun. Everybody explained their hats to everyone. We had two categories, Prettiest and Unique. In the Prettiest we had in 1st place Dianna Henson and 2nd place was Shirley Donnohue. In the Unique in 1st place we had Diana Parker and in 2nd place was Pallie Sue Ezell.

The club discussed some ideas for Community involvement. Luann gave a report on "Managing Arthritis"and handed out papers on it with exercises included in it.

We had two members join us that evening they are: Reba Peters and Anita Watkins. We had two guests: Sherry Reeves and Marlene Olson join us for the fun evening. Hope they come again.

Our next meeting will be February 11th @ 6:00 p.m. at the Turner Community building. Arlene Riggs is the hostess for the month. Our Program will be: "Jest for Life - Laugh Aerobics".

Upcoming events for 2008

February 9 @ 6:30 Chili Supper
March 4-H Easter Event-- date to be announced
May--Pope Fish Fry
May 17 @ 6:30 Fireman Appreciation Dinner
June 21 @ 4:00 Ice Cream Social
September 6 Homecoming @ 12:00 to 4:00 and Bar-B-Q @ 4:00
October 18 @ 6:30 Fund Raiser
October 4-H Halloween Event--date to be announced
November 15 @ 6:30 Pie Supper
December 20 @ 6:30 Christmas Program.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

They Did It!

We had three gals who stepped up to the plate, took the bull by the horns, and did a fantastic job. None of these three had been involved with the Pie Supper or Christmas bags before. But Linda Wilkerson, Shirley Donahue, and Beverly Patterson certainly did a fabulous job getting vendors and merchants to donate food items as well as getting discounts on other items.

A big thank you, gals, for a job well done.

Just a note to you three: we have your names for the same job in 2008.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Angel Food Ministries

Angel Food is available in a quantity that can fit into a medium-sized box at $28 per unit. Each month's menu is different than the previous month and consists of both fresh and frozen items with an average retail value of approximately $50. Generally, one unit of food assists in feeding a family of four for about one week or a single senior citizen for almost a month.

The food is all the same high quality one would purchase at a grocery store. There are no second-hand items, no damaged or out-dated goods, no dented cans without labels, no day-old breads and no produce that is almost too ripe.

Also offered are specialty boxes such as steaks, chicken and pork. There is no limit to the number of units or bonus foods an individual can purchase, and there are no applications to complete or qualifications to which participants must adhere. Angel Food Ministries, like most all other retail grocery stores, also participates in the U.S. Food Stamp program, using the Off-Line Food Stamp Voucher system.

Ozark View Chapel began a few months ago working on making this available at the church.

For more information about Angel Food Ministries you may go online to or contact: Pallie Sue Ezell at 997-1647 or Kathi Brown at 632-9624

Sunday, January 6, 2008

From the Chairman’s Desk

Some folks in the community have asked about the progress of the County road department job on paving a portion of Rock Creek Rd. This was tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2007. Judge Hall called me to explain that there will be a delay and he states the project will get under way in the Spring of 2008. We know all of you are very anxious about the project and we will try to keep you informed.

The annual BBQ and homecoming was a great success with approximately 80 folks attending. Again Lawrence and yours truly cooked all night long with the cooking of brisket and chicken. The stories that were told were great, and some was just laugh out loud funny.

We now have in the entry way a place for pictures of people who lived or is living in the community. Come by and see what we have on the walls. We need 8X10 and 5X7 framed photos for the foyer.

Folks, we had a pie and regular auction for the community to help with utilities and insurance expenses. Thanks for all who participated.

The annual pie supper in November 2007 for the annual Christmas tree was done in a great style. A goodly amount of money was raised. The contest of the ugliest man created some controversy and after close counting Fred Peters came out the winner. His remark was that he did not mind accepting, knowing that he surely was not the ugliest man at the pie supper with Max Donnohue being there.

Linda Wilkinson was the lady who took care of the getting the goodies for the Christmas tree, and believe you me she did a bang up job on the contents that went into the sacks. Thanks Linda on such a great job. When you see Linda be sure and tell her how much you appreciate her endeavor.

The money from the quorum court will not be coming.

I’ve been nudged, so long.