Thursday, January 31, 2008


Rocky Top 4-H Club has had a busy past year and we are up and running with a busy 2008. This year is a special time for 4-H. This year we are celebrating something special. It is the Arkansas 4-H Centennial 1908-2008 "Honoring the Past - Celebrating the Future". So we will be out all year promoting 4-H. And we are still looking for anyone who was a 4-H member or was a 4-H Volunteer Leader to please contact me. So far I have just had Jeanette Gibbs call me. We would love to have you come as a guest speaker to one of our 4-H meetings and share some of your experiences with us that you had in 4-H. My phone number is 217-0280.

Our Beginner and Intermediate and Advanced 4-H Members have turned in their 4-H Record Journals for the past year. Members who has turned in a Record Book Journal were: Madison Shepherd, Dalton Hall, Cody Wise, Jerrie & Jeannie Bryant, Miranda Creel, Will & Seren Deputy and Lillian Beasley and Bri-Ellen Millsap. Members who won in the County level with their Record Book Journals were: Lillian Beasley, Will & Seren Deputy, Jerrie & Jennie Bryant, Cody Wise and Dalton Hall. These are going on for District and possibly State Competition. These Record Book Journals are very important for these kids. They are eligible to possibly win a Scholarship and these Journals are great for them to use as Resume's as they get older.

Our Cloverbuds are working on their Record Book Journals and are turning them in February to be judged.

At our last meeting the kids participated in fun activities that helped them learn the importance of working together as a team by doing some "Team Skills".

We have several of our kids who have been practicing Animal Judging and Livestock Skills and will be going to Fayettville Jan. 26th to the Pauline Whitaker Arena to compete up there. Members going are Seren & Will Deputy, Cody Wise, Jennie & Jerrie Bryant and Beth Rippee. Will get back with you and let you know how they did and who our Cloverbuds are that turned in Record Book Journals.

If interested in joining 4-H call me or the Crawford County Extension Office at 479-474-5286

TLC Club News

The TLC held their meeting on Jan. 14th. Dawn Beaver was the Hostess and did a beautiful job of decorations and refreshments.

At the January meeting the members were asked to participate if they wanted to bring/wear a decorated hat. We had some beautiful hats there. Everybody did a wonderful job and it was a lot of fun. Everybody explained their hats to everyone. We had two categories, Prettiest and Unique. In the Prettiest we had in 1st place Dianna Henson and 2nd place was Shirley Donnohue. In the Unique in 1st place we had Diana Parker and in 2nd place was Pallie Sue Ezell.

The club discussed some ideas for Community involvement. Luann gave a report on "Managing Arthritis"and handed out papers on it with exercises included in it.

We had two members join us that evening they are: Reba Peters and Anita Watkins. We had two guests: Sherry Reeves and Marlene Olson join us for the fun evening. Hope they come again.

Our next meeting will be February 11th @ 6:00 p.m. at the Turner Community building. Arlene Riggs is the hostess for the month. Our Program will be: "Jest for Life - Laugh Aerobics".

Upcoming events for 2008

February 9 @ 6:30 Chili Supper
March 4-H Easter Event-- date to be announced
May--Pope Fish Fry
May 17 @ 6:30 Fireman Appreciation Dinner
June 21 @ 4:00 Ice Cream Social
September 6 Homecoming @ 12:00 to 4:00 and Bar-B-Q @ 4:00
October 18 @ 6:30 Fund Raiser
October 4-H Halloween Event--date to be announced
November 15 @ 6:30 Pie Supper
December 20 @ 6:30 Christmas Program.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

They Did It!

We had three gals who stepped up to the plate, took the bull by the horns, and did a fantastic job. None of these three had been involved with the Pie Supper or Christmas bags before. But Linda Wilkerson, Shirley Donahue, and Beverly Patterson certainly did a fabulous job getting vendors and merchants to donate food items as well as getting discounts on other items.

A big thank you, gals, for a job well done.

Just a note to you three: we have your names for the same job in 2008.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Angel Food Ministries

Angel Food is available in a quantity that can fit into a medium-sized box at $28 per unit. Each month's menu is different than the previous month and consists of both fresh and frozen items with an average retail value of approximately $50. Generally, one unit of food assists in feeding a family of four for about one week or a single senior citizen for almost a month.

The food is all the same high quality one would purchase at a grocery store. There are no second-hand items, no damaged or out-dated goods, no dented cans without labels, no day-old breads and no produce that is almost too ripe.

Also offered are specialty boxes such as steaks, chicken and pork. There is no limit to the number of units or bonus foods an individual can purchase, and there are no applications to complete or qualifications to which participants must adhere. Angel Food Ministries, like most all other retail grocery stores, also participates in the U.S. Food Stamp program, using the Off-Line Food Stamp Voucher system.

Ozark View Chapel began a few months ago working on making this available at the church.

For more information about Angel Food Ministries you may go online to or contact: Pallie Sue Ezell at 997-1647 or Kathi Brown at 632-9624

Sunday, January 6, 2008

From the Chairman’s Desk

Some folks in the community have asked about the progress of the County road department job on paving a portion of Rock Creek Rd. This was tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2007. Judge Hall called me to explain that there will be a delay and he states the project will get under way in the Spring of 2008. We know all of you are very anxious about the project and we will try to keep you informed.

The annual BBQ and homecoming was a great success with approximately 80 folks attending. Again Lawrence and yours truly cooked all night long with the cooking of brisket and chicken. The stories that were told were great, and some was just laugh out loud funny.

We now have in the entry way a place for pictures of people who lived or is living in the community. Come by and see what we have on the walls. We need 8X10 and 5X7 framed photos for the foyer.

Folks, we had a pie and regular auction for the community to help with utilities and insurance expenses. Thanks for all who participated.

The annual pie supper in November 2007 for the annual Christmas tree was done in a great style. A goodly amount of money was raised. The contest of the ugliest man created some controversy and after close counting Fred Peters came out the winner. His remark was that he did not mind accepting, knowing that he surely was not the ugliest man at the pie supper with Max Donnohue being there.

Linda Wilkinson was the lady who took care of the getting the goodies for the Christmas tree, and believe you me she did a bang up job on the contents that went into the sacks. Thanks Linda on such a great job. When you see Linda be sure and tell her how much you appreciate her endeavor.

The money from the quorum court will not be coming.

I’ve been nudged, so long.