The TLC Extension Homemakers Club organized at Turner Community Friday, October 19th. Extension Homemakers Clubs have a three-fold Mission: Community Service, Continuing Education, and Leadership Development. These are used to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of living.
Our Advisor, Joyce Whittington, is the Crawford County Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences, of the Arkansas Cooperative Service, a division of the University of Arkansas and US Department of Agriculture. She furnishes us with training and support, and teaches us leadership skills and subject matter on topics that interest us.
At our November meeting, we held our election of officers. Positions filled were: President-Diana Parker; Vice-President-Dawn Beaver; Secretary-Reporter-Luann Wise; Treasurer-Linda Wilkinson; Song Leader-Misty Nelson; Recreation Leader-Dianna Henson.
A cookie exchange was great fun at our December meeting. We also had a tasting where we presented Jeanette Gibbs the award for the best tasting cookie and Dianna Henson the award for the prettiest looking cookie. As a service project, Members brought personal hygiene items to be delivered to the Cass Job Corps program.
Our membership has reached seventeen as of now, but we would love more members. If anyone in the area is interested in joining us, please come to our next meeting on Monday, January 14th at 6:00 p.m. for an evening of learning, fun and friendships and bring along a hat to wear at this, our New Year’s gathering of Happy Hatters.
By Diana Parker, 997-1228
Thursday, November 1, 2007
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