Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank You!

Thanks Odie--Odie Sanders of  West Fork and friends have faithfully attended most of our events for the last several years, especially the Homecoming and Bar-B-Q.  This year she brought a big box of jars which we will recycle when some generous someone picks berries and makes jam or jelly or donates the berries to a jam making gal for our welcome baskets which we present to the newcomers of the community.
One of the gals (not a jam maker but a pear preserve maker) is Reba Peters.  For two years she has donated pear preserves for our baskets.  It is gals like these who makes it possible to give such unique gifts.  Included most every time is a loaf of bread which Sharon Mirus has so generously donated each time.  Thanks to these gals and others who make welcome baskets making a pleasure to do.

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