Thursday, January 31, 2008


Rocky Top 4-H Club has had a busy past year and we are up and running with a busy 2008. This year is a special time for 4-H. This year we are celebrating something special. It is the Arkansas 4-H Centennial 1908-2008 "Honoring the Past - Celebrating the Future". So we will be out all year promoting 4-H. And we are still looking for anyone who was a 4-H member or was a 4-H Volunteer Leader to please contact me. So far I have just had Jeanette Gibbs call me. We would love to have you come as a guest speaker to one of our 4-H meetings and share some of your experiences with us that you had in 4-H. My phone number is 217-0280.

Our Beginner and Intermediate and Advanced 4-H Members have turned in their 4-H Record Journals for the past year. Members who has turned in a Record Book Journal were: Madison Shepherd, Dalton Hall, Cody Wise, Jerrie & Jeannie Bryant, Miranda Creel, Will & Seren Deputy and Lillian Beasley and Bri-Ellen Millsap. Members who won in the County level with their Record Book Journals were: Lillian Beasley, Will & Seren Deputy, Jerrie & Jennie Bryant, Cody Wise and Dalton Hall. These are going on for District and possibly State Competition. These Record Book Journals are very important for these kids. They are eligible to possibly win a Scholarship and these Journals are great for them to use as Resume's as they get older.

Our Cloverbuds are working on their Record Book Journals and are turning them in February to be judged.

At our last meeting the kids participated in fun activities that helped them learn the importance of working together as a team by doing some "Team Skills".

We have several of our kids who have been practicing Animal Judging and Livestock Skills and will be going to Fayettville Jan. 26th to the Pauline Whitaker Arena to compete up there. Members going are Seren & Will Deputy, Cody Wise, Jennie & Jerrie Bryant and Beth Rippee. Will get back with you and let you know how they did and who our Cloverbuds are that turned in Record Book Journals.

If interested in joining 4-H call me or the Crawford County Extension Office at 479-474-5286

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