Friday, February 29, 2008


Members of the Rocky Top 4-H Club have been busy. Most everybody has turned in their record books and have been Judged. We have several members who have joined a Livestock Judging Team started by Nickie Taul, our 4-H Agent. They have been to two Judging Competitions. The last one was in Fayetteville at the Washington County Fair grounds. Our club won first in the 4-H teams. The members from our club are Miranda Creel, Cody Wise and Lillian Beasley and Dalton Hall.

At our April meeting we had Jay Schneider from Lake Fort Smith State Park come and he presented us with a slide show of the new park. They have several programs going on and tours available. So if you get a chance go to the new park and enjoy yourself. Its suppose to be up and going for Memorial weekend.

We had several members participate in our County O'Rama. Members participating were: Cody Wise, Annie and Maddie and Lillian Beasley, Dillon and Dalton Hall, Miranda Creel and Samantha Riggs, Rylli Hammond. They competed in bb-gun, bicycle, seed I.D., Livestock skills, bait casting. public speaking, modeling, fashion revue and vocal.

For info on joining 4-H call Luann Wise @ 479-217-0280 or Nickie Taul @ the Crawford County Extension Office @ 479-474-5286

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