Sunday, April 6, 2008

Remembering our Friend, Jim Young

A Remembering Service was held March at the Community Building for Jim Young. Approximately 80 people attended the service.

Katie and family provided the fish and all the trimmings which was delicious. Ladies of the community brought side dishes and drinks along with a good array of delicious desserts.

Jim was very involved in this community and found this area to be the "joy of his life." He was instrumental in forming the Turner Community Development Board of which he was a member until after he moved to Bella Vista. He helped in many ways to get the water system up and running as well as wrote grants for the kitchen project and the water system.

Even after moving to Bella Vista, he would drive here to attend the Board meetings as well as attending most of the community functions along with Katie.

Jim will be missed by persons from all walks of life.

Thanks, Jim.

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