Monday, September 1, 2008

Rocky-Top 4-H News

In 4-H news, Lillian Beasley won the coveted Spirit award in each of the two summer camps she attended. Each camp had over 200 kids in attendance. Congratulations Lillian!

Cody Wise attended a 3-day camp in Fayetteville placing 3 times in the top 10. He also made a trip to Washington, DC. Congratulations Cody!

Miranda Creel also attended the same camp. She has volunteered at the Senior Inn during summer vacation. Thanks for your service, Miranda!

All the 4-H kids are gearing up for the County Fair that starts September 8th by getting their animals groomed and ready to show, gather canned items and finishing craft projects. You can do the same and make some money at the same time. Be sure to attend at least once and see what the Fair has to offer.

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