Sunday, April 19, 2009

TLC Club News

The TLC Club had their April meeting. Reba Peters and Connie Fuller were our Hostess for the month. We had delicious food!! The President Dianna Parker called the meeting to order. Luann Wise read the roll call.

Jane Dear and Dianna Henson presented the program for us. It was a Color Personality Analysis. We had 13 members present. After the program we put in use one of the fast cleaning tips from the last meeting. Dawn Beaver mixed up a home remedy for cleaning tarnished silver. Several ladies brought pieces to be cleaned and it did work wonders. We also shredded tissue paper for the welcome baskets.

Thanks to all the ladies who provided tissue paper as well as bought grass.

If any interested ladies or men want to come to our next meeting it will be Monday May 11th, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m.

Luann Wise/Secretary

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