Another year come and gone, another Christmas passed. Sometimes I think about all the hustle and bustle of running, shopping cooking, decorating, and attending all the special Christmas events. Sometimes I wonder if it really is worth it all. This turns out to be a time consuming season, it involves extra work, demands extra time, and requires extra money to get it all accomplished. But if it were anybody else’s birthday that we were celebrating, I would have given up a long time ago. But because of who Christ is, and what He gave to me, I know that there’s something about this season of celebration that excites me, encourages me, and sustains me. For what other reason on earth could we possibly endure this seemingly endless schedule of gala? So yes, I believe there really is a Spirit of Christmas.
When all is said and done, the tree comes down, the decorations are packed away, and the house is somewhat back in order, can we remember the love expressed and carry it in our hearts until the next celebration? Did we share God’s love, make some good memories, touch someone’s heart with our community fellowship? I certainly do hope so, because that is why we volunteered to do it all again. Yep, Shirley Donnohue and Beverly Patterson agreed to be my partners again for the 2009 Christmas Celebration.
So let’s just do some reminiscing about the memories made this past Christmas. If you attended either event, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Our pie auction event definitely brought us some surprises. The Handsome Man contest was absolutely awesome with Don Wilkinson and Jim Parker really working the crowd and raising donations. These two had the perfect personalities to get this going. All you guys out there need to be buffing up for the next contest, I’m looking for two handsome men to volunteer for this fun competition. Our Pretty Girl was Addie Pippen, daughter of Debbie Pippin and granddaughter of Herschel and Aline Jones. Of course, everyone enjoyed the cakewalk, Arlene Riggs does such a super job getting cake donations and making lots of fun for everyone. Not sure about the Turkey Bowling…does anyone have any real bowling pins? I think the plastic set may have been too easy for most of the kids, but Barbara Deputy had plenty of cupcakes for those who made a strike. I’m always open to any suggestions for games and volunteers to oversee them.
We raised a record amount of funds with the auction of pies, cakes, cookies, and a donated jewelry chest hand-made by Wesley Riggs. Richard Mirus did an excellent job of auctioneering all the goodies for us. This year we had several quality door prizes donated so the ones that attended were eligible for some neat gifts. Better stick around next time if you weren’t there. We also had a $50.00 check from Katy Young; how great it is to have someone care about our community even though Jim has passed on and she was out of the country for the holiday. Special thanks go out to her. And thanks to all those who shared their pies afterward, wasn’t it good to sit around and enjoy some pie and coffee after all the festivities? And of course, Jeanette was busy in the kitchen making sure everyone was taken care of.
Our sacking party was a prime example of cooperation and determination to fill all those goody bags; I just believe Santa and his elves could learn a few things from us. We had an assembly line moving with constant motion and we probably set a record with our efficiency and time management. Think about joining us, there’s always room for another helper.
The Grand Finale was of course, GRAND, in my opinion. So good to have the Rocky Top 4-H group involved with our celebration. This year Chris Boerjan led us in Christmas hymns and dear ol’ Santa came for a special visit. I’ll let you know if I get the garage I asked for. The Turner Ladies Club provided refreshments... very very tasty, and Jeanette’s punch was delicious.
There’s just something about the sound of people laughing, telling stories, and visiting with friends; sharing this moment in time with our family, our neighbors, our community; nearly a forgotten tradition in America today. When we all grow old, I believe we’ll need memories such as these to help us through. I’ll say, “Hey…Hey…Don, do you remember that Christmas you dressed up in them cut off stripped overalls and we hung that glittered heart of gold around your neck? You even let me color your mustache, and you made that speech in front of all them people? Well, Sweet Tater, you shorely was a handsome man back then…know what…you still is!!”
Happy New Year and thanks to you all for making this another wonderful Christmas.
Till next time…..Linda Wilkinson