Thursday, January 1, 2009

TLC Club News

Linda Wilkinson read the treasure report for Oct. Several people brought ornaments or ideas for ornaments to share.

Jane Deer was the host for the November meeting. Diana Parker gave a presentation on Special Holidays - small pocket books. Meeting was adjourned to make angels for our guests who will be attending the December meeting.

December 6th at 1:00 members decorated the Christmas tree and on the 7th they decorated the community building.

At the December meeting, members brought finger foods and a hand made/store bought Christmas ornaments for exchange. Shirley Donahue, Jeanette Gibbs, and Beverly Patterson's won door prizes. Dianna Henson and Jane Deer decorated the building for our meeting. We did ornament exchange with our guest, the River Bells and Joyce Whittington.

A big thank you to the TLC members who assisted the 4-H members in decorating the bedroom doors at Alma Rehab. They were Dianna Henson and her two sisters, Dawn Beaver and her granddaughter and Jane Deer.

A thank you letter was sent to the TLC club for the Rock Top 4-H club.

Our next meeting will be Jan 12th.

The TLC members who participated in the Mulberry Community Christmas play were Luann Wise, Misty Nelson and Dawn Beaver. They would like to thank everyone who came out to see them perform.

Luann Wise, Reporter.

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