Saturday, January 17, 2009

Forecasting Weather

Modern meteorologists have nothing on old time folk lore. I guess as soon as there was such a thing as weather patterns, man has been trying to predict what's coming. Let's look at some of the old time "signs" for weather forecasting.

Animal sign -
A bad winter is predicted when:
squirrels gather nuts early (middle to late September).
beaver lodges have more logs.
fur or hair on animals such as horses, sheep, mules, cows and dogs is thicker than usual.
cows hooves break loose earlier.
crows gather together.

Insect signs -
A bad winter is predicted when:
hornets & yellow jackets build nests closer to the ground and they are thicker.
crickets in the chimney.
ants build their hills higher.
miller moths try to get inside by hitting the screens.

Plant signs -
A bad winter is predicted when:
blackberry blooms are heavier than normal.
carrots grow deeper into the ground.
onions grow more layers than usual.
hickory nuts have thicker shells.

To forecast rain -
It will rain if:
the cows are laying down in the pasture.
the leaves on plants are showing their backs.
there are clouds with the sunset.
ants are covering the hole to their hill.
birds start flying low in the air.

Do you have an ole' time predictions of weather?

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